You’ll find lots of detailed information about maintaining your Honda in your owner’s manual, which should be sitting in your car’s glove box. There are some key areas to keep an eye on, and we’ve included some quick tips below.
Checking your tyres
The condition and pressure of your tyres mean better handling, fuel efficiency and safety, as well as less wear. It's a good idea to check them at least once a month.
Tyre pressure
Your owner’s manual will have the recommended tyre pressure for your car. You should check it when your tyres are completely cold and try to use the same pressure gauge each time. That way you’ll have a better idea of whether the pressure loss is a tyre problem or a difference between gauges.
Tyre condition
While you’re checking your tyres, look out for anything unusual. Any bumps, bulges, cuts, splits, cracks or threadbare areas can cause you problems on the road. If you spot any of these, should bring your car in for us to take a look as soon as possible.
Spare tyre and repair kit
If your car has a spare tyre, make sure it’s in good condition and your tyre repair kit hasn’t passed its expiry date.
Keep topped up with fuel
Be sure to keep your tank topped up, just in case you need a little extra fuel than you thought. And be sure to fill up with the right fuel – if you put the wrong type in it can cost a lot to repair and even cause permanent damage.
Checking your cooling system
If your levels are low, your engine might overheat. So make sure your coolant levels are right and there are no signs of coolant leaks around the engine bay or underneath your car. Check your owner’s manual for more details.
Checking your oil levels.
The right amount of oil is essential for keeping your engine running, so make sure you check it regularly. We recommend you do it whenever you refuel and always before a long journey. You should even check your oil when your car is new, as the engine can consume more than you think in the running-in period. Check your owner’s manual for all the details.
Keeping your battery charged.
There are a few simple things to make sure your battery won't let you down.
Take it for a spin
Try and make at least one longer trip a week.
Give it a charge
You can use a charger to make sure it's in its best condition.
Turn everything off
Make sure your map lights are turned off and all your doors are closed.
Keep an emergency kit in your car.
Just in case you break down, keeping a few essential things in your car is a good idea. Here’s what we suggest: