The warning lights on your dashboard follow a traffic light system that is designed to indicate the severity of the problem using either a red, amber or green symbol.
When alerted by any of the following symbols, always take into consideration the colour in which they are displayed :
Brake fluid level : If this is amber or red, the level is too low or there is a fault in the brake system. Do not continue driving.
Electronic parking brake : The warning lamp should turn off when the handbrake is released.
Engine temperature : If it is red, do not continue driving. Find a safe place to stop, turn off the engine and contact Riverside SEAT/ closest retailer. If it is amber, consider stopping for a while to allow the engine temperature to cool.
Engine oil pressure : If this is red, the pressure is too low. Find a safe place to stop, turn the engine off and contact Riverside SEAT/ closest retailer. If it is amber, check the oil level and top it up if necessary, as soon as possible.
Steering wheel : If red, there is a fault that requires immediate attention. Please contact Riverside SEAT/ closest retailer. If amber, take your vehicle to Riverside SEAT/ closest retailer as soon as possible. If the light goes away after an engine restart, then there is no need for a Retailer visit.
When red, you will not be able to restart the engine as the AdBlue level is too low. You should stop in a suitable, safe and flat area then top up with at least the minimum required quantity of AdBlue.
Airbag system and seat belt tensioners : This indicates that there is a fault and your vehicle should be checked immediately by us/ closest retailer.
Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS): When iluminated, this symbol indicates that there is a problem with system and you should drive carefully to Riverside SEAT/closest retailer to have the system inspected.
Gearbox fault: If this issue cannot be resolved through following the instructions on the infotainment screen, you should seek advice from Riverside SEAT/ closest retailer.
Brake pads : When this is amber, this means that the front brake pads may be worn out. Contact Riverside SEAT/ closest retailer as soon as possible.
Exterior lights : When amber, you should check the all of your exterior lights are functioning correctly. If you need a new bulb, this should be replaced by Riverside SEAT/ closest retailer immediately.
Emission Control System : If amber, there is a fault. Reduce your speed and drive carefully to Riverside SEAT/ closest retailer to have the engine inspected.
If you have a diesel engine, this symbol indicates that the preheating system is activated. Once the lamp switches off, you can start the engine.
Tyre Pressure : The pressure of one or more of your tyres is much lower than it should be or it may even be damaged. Stop in a safe place, check the tyre pressure of all of your tyres and replace the damaged tyre(s) if necessary.
Electronic Stability Control (ESC) or Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS) : This symbol indicates a fault or system deactivation. This should be checked by Riverside SEAT/ closest retailer as soon as possible.
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