Article By Anik Choudhury

The Impact of AI on the Future of Cars & the Automotive Industry

artificial intelligence in automotive industry

In 2023, the world witnessed a remarkable shift as Artificial Intelligence (AI) stepped out from the backdrop of technical jargon and into the limelight of our everyday lives. The advent of complex language models like ChatGPT, Bing, and Google Bard has signalled a new era where AI isn't just a buzzword – it's a reality that's touching every corner of our existence. From the morning radio show discussing AI trends to TV ads featuring the latest smart tech, AI has become a relentless companion. On social media, it's a topic of endless interest, while in the palm of our hands, smartphones such as the Google Pixel 8 are pushing the boundaries of what AI can achieve and other smartphone manufacturers like Apple are trying to get into the game.

But beyond the gadgets we carry and the entertainment we consume, AI is steering towards a significant revolution in a sector that moves us, quite literally – the automotive industry. The emergence of Electric Vehicles (EVs) has already set the wheels of change in motion. As we navigate this electrifying landscape, one question revs up: How will AI not only coexist with but enhance the growing world of EVs?

From sleek, AI-designed car silhouettes that blend into the air with revolutionary aerodynamics to smart navigation systems that learn from every journey, AI is transforming the driving experience. It's making roads safer with predictive safety features and driver assistance systems that feel like having a co-pilot with superhuman reflexes. The scope of AI in the automotive revolution is vast and vibrant, promising a future where cars are not just vehicles but intelligent companions in our daily lives.

In this article, Riverside Motor Group explores how AI may impact cars – from how they're made to how they help us drive. So, let's dive in and see how AI can potentially change the game for cars and drivers everywhere!

AI in Design and Aerodynamics

AI and Car Design

AI Transforming Car Design:

Imagine a tool that can take the best bits from all the cool cars ever made and mix them up to design something new and amazing. That's what AI is doing for car designers. It's like having super-powered software that looks at loads of old car designs – from classic models to the latest ones – and then comes up with ideas for new cars that look great and work even better. AI helps designers by showing them how to combine the best parts of different cars and create something that stands out in both style and function.

Making Cars Slick & Efficient:

It's not just about good looks, though. AI is also helping make cars more aerodynamic. That means cars can move through the air more easily, just like a sleek sports car. This is important for electric cars because being aerodynamic helps them use less battery power and travel longer distances on a single charge. AI studies how air flows around different shapes and then suggests designs that can cut through the air smoothly, making the car more efficient. It's a bit like how a swimmer wears a cap to glide faster in water.

The Role of AI in Materials Science:

AI also plays a big role in materials science, which is all about finding the best materials to build cars. By analysing tons of data on different materials, AI can suggest what should be used to make parts of the car lighter, stronger, or cheaper. This could mean using special metals that are super strong but light, or new kinds of plastics that are tough and eco-friendly. For example, Hemp-based bodywork could be used as the fibre is up to six times stronger than steel while being lighter and more eco-friendly to produce. With AI's help, future cars won't just look good and drive well; they'll also be made with materials that are better for the planet.

In summary, AI is like the ultimate assistant for car designers and engineers, helping to create vehicles that are not only eye-catching but also efficient, practical, and environmentally friendly. As AI technology keeps getting better, we can expect some innovative car designs on the roads in the future.

AI in Navigation and the Future of Self-Driving Cars

autonomous driving

AI Enhancing Navigation in Modern Vehicles:

AI isn't just a new trend; it's been a part of our driving experience for some time now. Take the GPS systems in many modern vehicles, for example. They use data from satellites to pinpoint our location on Earth. But it's not just about locating us; AI takes it further by determining the best routes from point A to point B.

How does AI do this? It learns from massive amounts of data to predict the most efficient routes. This data is then combined with real-time information from drivers, like speed and traffic conditions. The result is a navigation system that not only guides us but also helps avoid traffic jams and construction delays. It’s like having a super-smart travel planner built into your car.

Machine Learning in Transportation:

Machine Learning (ML), a key part of AI, plays a crucial role in developing these smart transportation systems. It's the brain behind features like driver assistance systems in modern vehicles. These systems can do things like alert drivers if they drift out of their lane, using sensors such as cameras and infrared technology.

Beyond just alerting drivers, some AI systems actively assist with driving tasks. They can control the vehicle's speed, adjust steering, and make decisions based on different traffic conditions. All this information is gathered and sent back to a central data hub, where it's used to train future AI models to be even smarter.

AI and Traffic Monitoring:

AI isn't just making our cars smarter; it's also helping to keep our roads flowing smoothly. City planners use AI to improve traffic. For example, sensors on traffic lights gather data that are used to optimise light timing. This data can help decide whether to install roundabouts or traffic lights at intersections. It’s all about making our roads more efficient and reducing those annoying traffic jams.

For more details on how AI is integrated into our vehicles, check out this informative link: AI and Personal Vehicles.

In conclusion, AI is significantly transforming how we navigate and interact with our vehicles, making our journeys safer, more efficient, and a lot less stressful. From advanced GPS systems to smart traffic management, AI is at the forefront of this exciting evolution in transportation.

The Present and Future of Autonomous Vehicles:

The concept of cars driving themselves is no longer just a futuristic dream. Companies like Turing are pioneering in this field, developing technology for vehicles to autonomously navigate busy streets and motorways.

This advanced technology isn't limited to future models – it's already being integrated into cars today. Many modern vehicles are equipped with features like self-parking systems, where cars use sensors and AI to safely manoeuvre into parking spots without much driver intervention. This is just the beginning. With advancements from companies like Turing and Volvo's Vera, an electric, autonomous transporter shown in this informative TikTok video (watch it here), we're stepping into an era where vehicles can fully navigate and operate on their own.

In a thrilling demonstration in San Francisco, Supercar Blondie explored the capabilities of Waymo, an advanced autonomous car. This futuristic vehicle boasts sensors with a vast range, equivalent to three football fields, ensuring exceptional safety in urban settings by detecting pedestrians and other obstacles. Inside, passengers can personalize their experience, such as changing music from the back, adding to the comfort and enjoyment of the journey. Supercar Blondie's experience with Waymo underscores not only the technological innovation of autonomous vehicles but also their ability to provide a secure and reassuring travel experience.

From navigating through traffic to parking themselves, cars are becoming more autonomous, making driving less stressful and travelling more enjoyable. As technology continues to evolve, we'll see even more innovative features that make autonomous driving a common aspect of everyday life. Autonomous self-driving cars are still in its development stage and the government plans to get its first self-driving car on the road by 2026.

In conclusion, AI's role in navigation and autonomous driving is rapidly transforming the automotive industry. With current technologies like self-parking cars and future innovations like Turing's self-driving vehicles and Volvo Vera, we're witnessing a major shift towards transportation solutions. You can find similar technologies within the Volvo range. Which we have in our showrooms.

AI's Role in Energy Management & Evolving Battery Technology

EV battery

Optimising EV Energy with AI:

AI is revolutionising the way electric vehicles (EVs) manage and use energy. By optimising energy consumption, AI enables EVs to use their battery power more efficiently. This means getting more mileage out of every charge and ensuring that the vehicle operates at its best.

AI and Smart Charging:

AI’s impact extends to smart charging solutions. It can determine the most effective charging times based on various factors like electricity rates and the car’s usage patterns. This not only conserves energy but also helps in reducing the overall cost of charging for the user.

AI in Advanced Battery Development:

A critical area where AI is making a huge impact is in the development of advanced battery technologies. The focus is on creating batteries that charge faster and store more energy, which is crucial for the practicality of EVs. A start-up called Aionics is using AI to accelerate the discovery of optimal electrolyte materials for batteries. They aim to find combinations that lead to batteries with better performance, including faster charging and higher energy density.

The Complex Challenge of Battery Innovation:

Developing batteries is a difficult task because there are so many possible combinations of molecules to choose from. Finding the right mix for electrolyte materials used in batteries can take more than a decade. However, Aionics is using AI to speed up the process. They examine thousands of options every second to predict the best outcomes.

Generative AI in Battery Design:

Taking a step further, Aionics is employing generative AI models to design new molecules aimed at specific applications. By training these models on existing battery materials data, they can create new candidates that could potentially revolutionise battery technology. This method is super-charged by software developed at Carnegie Mellon University, under the guidance of Venkat Viswanathan, who is also a co-founder and chief scientist at Aionics.

Large Language Models (LLMs) in Research:

Aionics is also harnessing the power of large language models like GPT-4 for the preliminary stages of discovery. These models, trained on chemistry textbooks and scientific papers, assist scientists in narrowing down molecule choices before running simulations. This approach doesn't replace human expertise but enhances it by providing a more interactive way to sift through vast amounts of scientific knowledge.

Towards More Efficient and Sustainable Batteries:

Once potential candidates are identified, Aionics provides samples for validation, repeating the process until an optimal solution is found. This not only holds promise for EVs but also for other applications like renewable electricity and zero-emission products.

In summary, AI's role in energy management and efficiency in EVs is deep and complex. From optimising energy consumption and smart charging to revolutionising battery technology through advanced AI applications, the future of EVs looks brighter, more efficient, and increasingly sustainable. For an in-depth look at how AI is transforming battery development, refer to this TechCrunch article: How Generative AI is Creeping into EV Battery Development.

Driver Assistance and Performance with AI

AI and driving

Enhancing Driver Skills and Safety with AI:

AI isn't focused on changing how cars work; it's also helping drivers become better and safer. By monitoring driving patterns, AI systems can provide tips to improve performance, like suggesting smoother braking or more efficient acceleration. This isn’t just about driving well; it's about driving safely.

AI's role in safety management extends to keeping a watchful eye on drivers. If a driver seems tired or distracted, AI can alert them, helping to prevent accidents. This kind of driver monitoring is like having a co-pilot who's always looking out for you. Volvo uses similar technology with their Pilot assist – enhanced driver assistance feature. For example, the new Volvo EX90 can detect any sign of the driver being unresponsive it can break the car to a standstill within the lane. Volvo already has invested in using AI, to help improve their safety technology.

AI Predicting and Preventing Hazards:

Cars of the future are getting a sixth sense of safety, thanks to AI. By using predictive measures like external airbags, AI can help protect the car and its passengers even before a collision happens. Imagine airbags that deploy around the outside of the car to soften the impact – that's AI thinking ahead.

Another potential smart feature is alcohol interlocks powered by AI. These advanced systems can detect alcohol in the air inside the car and prevent the car from starting if the driver is over the legal limit. It's a way of ensuring that the person behind the wheel is always in the right condition to drive.

Commuter Assistance and In-Car Productivity

AI Making Commutes More Productive: For those who spend a lot of time in their cars, AI could potentially turn commute time into productive time. With AI assistance, drivers can safely stay on top of tasks like checking emails or scheduling meetings, all while keeping their focus on the road. The current Volvo technology now uses voice control and recognition to control your infotainment and climate functions using voice commands.

There are systems like Siri, Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa. These have been an integral part of our daily lives assisting with tasks and providing us with information. Just imagine this technology expands onto being productive with actual complex tasks. The current challenges we face are accurately understanding regional accents, and complex language structures and dealing with background noise in challenging environments.


The future of in-car technology is also about convenience and security. Imagine a car that recognises you as soon as you approach it, unlocking it with your face or fingerprint. Especially as car thieves go hi-tech, overriding car security. This would only be coded to you and protect your asset without worrying about potential break ins.

Ethical considerations of AI in the Automotive Industry

AI & ethics

​At Riverside Motor Group, we're committed to embracing the latest AI technologies as technology evolves in the automotive industry, ensuring our customers benefit from the most advanced, safe, and enjoyable driving experience. We understand that with innovation comes responsibility, which is why we're focused on addressing the ethical considerations of AI with a positive outlook. We aim to provide vehicles that not only enhance your driving experience through state-of-the-art AI features but also align with our values of safety, reliability, and customer care. Whether it's through an advanced safety system, smarter energy management, or enhanced driver assistance, we're here to guide you into the future of motoring with confidence and assurance. At Riverside, it's not just about selling cars; it's about delivering a future-proof, ethical, and enjoyable driving journey.

Safety and Reliability:

  • Positive Outlook: AI dramatically improves vehicle safety, reducing accidents often caused by human error. Advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) are set to make our roads safer for everyone.
  • Ethical Consideration: Continuous development and rigorous testing ensure the reliability of AI systems, minimising the risk of malfunctions.

Data Privacy and Security:

  • Positive Outlook: AI enables tailored and efficient driving experiences, offering convenience and enhanced features.
  • Ethical Consideration: Dealerships reassure customers that protecting data privacy is paramount, with strict measures to safeguard personal information.

Accountability in Decision-Making:

  • Positive Outlook: Clear guidelines and regulations are emerging to address accountability, ensuring transparency and consumer protection.
  • Ethical Consideration: The industry is moving towards well-defined liability frameworks for AI-related incidents, boosting consumer confidence.

Job Displacement:

  • Positive Outlook: AI opens new job opportunities in technology, maintenance, and customer support within the automotive sector.
  • Ethical Consideration: Emphasis is on retraining and education to help the workforce transition into new roles.

Bias and Discrimination:

  • Positive Outlook: Diverse development in AI leads to more inclusive and unbiased technology.
  • Ethical Consideration: Dealerships advocate for and sell vehicles developed with unbiased, inclusive AI technologies.

Autonomy and Human Control:

  • Positive Outlook: AI assists drivers, enhancing their capabilities and making driving more enjoyable and less taxing.
  • Ethical Consideration: The role of AI is emphasised as a tool that complements, rather than replaces, human decision-making in driving.

Environmental Impact:

  • Positive Outlook: AI is contributing to the creation of more environmentally friendly vehicles, optimising energy use and supporting sustainable practices.
  • Ethical Consideration: Dealerships focus on selling vehicles that use AI to lessen their environmental impact.

Equity and Accessibility:

  • Positive Outlook: As AI technology matures, it becomes more affordable, increasing accessibility for a broader range of customers.
  • Ethical Consideration: Pushing for equitable access to advanced vehicle technology across different demographics.


AI and the world

As we look to the future, we see AI as a key driver in shaping a new automotive landscape – one that offers unprecedented levels of safety, efficiency, and personalisation. We are excited to bring you along on this journey, offering a glimpse into a future where cars are more than just machines; they are a vital part of our daily lives, constantly evolving to meet our changing needs.

We invite you to join us at Riverside Motor Group. Explore our range of technologically advanced vehicles and experience first-hand the future of driving. Whether you're curious about the latest AI enhancements in car safety, efficiency, or design, our knowledgeable team is here to guide you through every innovation and answer any questions you might have.

Connect with us today and be a part of the automotive revolution with Riverside Motor Group. Your road to the future starts here.

Visit us at your nearest Riverside retailer in Doncaster, Hull, Wakefield or Leeds or reach out online to book a test drive with the latest cars on the market.

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